Personal privacy protected through quantum encrypted InfoVault™, in your possession, on your edge device and/or in your personal cloud.
Personal Privacy
The value and usefulness of personal data has been demonstrated over and over again in the past two decades. Yet, for many individuals, benefits received for giving up their privacy and data may be viewed as far less than the value to those how profited from their data and at times has restricted their use of it.
HGVS™has a fundamentally different focus. Your Data is Your Data! It should be kept with your person, within your abode, on your devices or in your personal cloud.
Next, we believe if you wish to share it, that sharing should be on your terms. If you wish it to be anonymous, then so be it. Where the context involves your personal information, then respected.
Imagine waking up this morning and watching a stream of digital money cascading into your digital wallet!
That's the vision of HGVS™ dcu from parties wishing to use your data and acquaint you with their goods and services.
You can be a part of DIGITALUNIVERSE by enrolling your mobile phone, tablet or other devices as "edge nodes" within the Calypso|Cumulus|Edge™ DAO, receiving HGVS|AGM global money as a part of the nodal mesh network.
Enroll in HGVS™, share your anonymous health data and receive HGVS DCUs as streaming digital money. Use them to offset your deductible, for co-pays, to pay for fitness and health related training, preventative testing, spa memberships and wellness services.
Benefit from FlexRewards™ by aligning with participating Hospitals, Doctors, Prevention Clinics and providers.
HGVS™ seeks to be at the forefront of extreme digital transformation of medical care facilities and preventative wellness, vitality and health care.
Partnering with O|Zone™ Emergency | Services | Facilities Initiative HGVS is focused on providing advanced Internet of Things (IOT) and ai Compute Systems in Medical Facilities, as well as expanding rural Community healthcare facilities, equipment and staffing.
These objectives are designed to benefit from O|Zone™ Port Authority Opportunity Zone™ Initiative and advanced Qualified Opportunity Zone technologies.
O|Zone's US focus is on establishing Communities in 3,100+ counties in the United States, through 330 Port Authority Opportunity Zones, each a geographic catalyst for local Community development, funding, economic growth and environmental, social and governance initiatives.
HGVS™ seeks to establish through its digital currency units ("DCU") a global medium of exchange of payments for tradeable use tokens identified to medical diagnostics, procedures and other health care services
HGVS ISO has as a primary focus to design, construct and deliver containerised medical testing and treatment facilities for rural and specialty use areas, with video conference and high speed internet functionality, at Net Zero emissions.
Finacing of receivables and capital expenditures is another primary focus.
Application of HGVS DCUs as a means of recognising Intellectual Property and Intangible Rights between medical providers and their patients, as well as means of establishing compensation between parties, is at the centre of HGVS DCUs.
This private ecosystem money is designed to capture value in each DCU related to global healthcare, its advancement, application of traditional currency supporting HGVC DCU to investments in facilities, equipment and new Digital Transformation, as well as benefiting patients and medical professionals with advanced research and ai applications to patient data.
A unique feature and benefit of HGVS Digital Currency is that portions of the Universal Data Sync intellectual property and intangible assets and fiat currencies received for use thereof, are allocated to support HGVS DCU.
Investments and grants made from these traditional forms of international money in some cases, continue to support HGVS digital currency.
At the centre of HGVS's patient privacy focus is use of open source records schema technology and collaboration in diagnostics, procedures, risk factors, research and results.
Beginning with the great work of openEHR, HGVS team is expanding the libraries with advanced technologies which support hospitals and governments including Hong Kong Health Care system, Government of New Zealand and other medical facilities around the world.
A common framework enables medical community and patients to integrate HUMAN data and content containers, synchronising applicable data elements between patients and medical providers.
This standard also enables global collection of medical data, HUMAN traits and environmental conditions in a standardised, modular and well-defined manner.
HGVS envisions potential for this always expanding anonymous global data sync to be universally understandable and useful, particularly when a patient's data can be used in context while protecting personal privacy of patient and that of medical providers.
The Universal Data Sync is to be powered by advanced Information Technologies equipment and applications, available to global researchers, medical professionals and other accredited participants.
While some research time and data usage will be available on a "no or limited cost basis", HGVS expects generation of a significant amount of revenue from this IT|IP resource.
Revenue is to back payments to individual and medical professional contributors, as well as suporting HGVS DCU initiatives.
The HGVS Ecosystem is defined by the HGVS Protocol. Its objective is to undertake a business model which seeks to improve health care efficiencies, knowledge, research and practical applications through DX - Digital Transformation and advanced AI. The benefits of these efforts are primarily to be embodied in a form of token, designed as a "currency" for use within a decentralised autonomous organisation or "DAO" which relates to its participants and through various Digital Infrastructure Utilities ("DIU"), Digital Units Organisations ("DUO") and Digital Assets Organisations networks ("DAOn"). In addition, various affiliated Protocols and their related ECOSYSTEMs are embedded to establish a robust transitional ECOSYSTEM.
HGVS Digital Currency Units ("HGVS dcu") are at the center of participation of individuals and entities in what is being envisioned as a global healthcare currency.
Unlike fiat currency, it is designed to be supported by HGVS ECOSYSTEM revenues and assets derived in part from various operational efficiences and recovery of denied payments to medical providers, implementation of DX - Digital Transformation activities including installation of IOT systems within medical facilities, facilitation of additional healthcare resources in underserved locations and perhaps, most significantly, its Universal Health Care Data Sync project using AI to create healthcare insights.
The following sections describe in more detail, the implementation regime for establishing an ECOSYSTEM under a master Protocol, benefited by embedded Protocols and their affiliated token structures.
60+ Years of Digital Innovation and Technologies
Post - Dot.Com Technology Global Investors and Web 2.0 Innovators
Core Protocols for Each ECOSYSTEM
20 + Years of Global Ecosystems Innovation
Owned by one or more non-profit foundations, an International Sponsor Organisation operates under Alliance iii.o Protocol, as a Sponsor of various components which are configured to achieve objectives set forth in the applicable Protocol.
Management and International Advisory Board ("HGVS Society") are primary parties involved in developing, launching and maintaining the Protocol.
HGVS ISO has been established by a group of healthcare and information technology professionals who are key development and operations professionals in the global healthcare system.
HGVS ISO is currently inviting other global professionals to join HGVS Society and its International Advisory Board.
This introduction is designed to provide an overview of HGVS Protocol and component architecture operating under Alliance iii.o.
In forming HGVS ISO and developing HGVS Protocol, the process commences by adopting Alliance iii.o Protocol and its core principles.
This action is followed by adoption of Waterhouse Protocols core functionality for the HGVS Protocol network.
This action is followed by adoption of Waterhouse Protocols core functionality for the HGVS Protocol network.
While HVGS ISO operates in the role of Sponsor under Alliance iii.o, its is designed to operate as a non-profit organisation introducing, educating, teaching and facilitating expansion and improvement of healthcare, globally.
It is designed to collaborate with educational and medical institutions, to facilitate new development and training within medical professionals, business offices of medical providers and within the legal profession as related to medical, wellness, privacy, etc.
Next, HGVS adopts Dystance™ Protocol for creating its peer to peer architecture, communications and transaction base framework.
With the Dystance™ Protocol comes an advanced DAGChain™ (directed acyclic graphs) functionality, highly configurable, with Idiom™, a step far beyond Smart Contracts. In addition Cumulus Edge™ and Calypso Cube™ provide container frameworks.
Each Protocol network operating under Alliance iii.o uses underlying decentralised component architecture to enable a wide range of network configuration, node functional configuration and advanced routing architecture with a focus on security and privacy.
Virtual Spectator™ Protocol has provided advanced technologies for more than 26 amateur and professional sports world-wide. At its core, has been private player data and performance technologies. HGVS is contracting with Virtual Spectator to include a portion of these technologies, schemas, streaming and studio within HGVS Protocol, along with a technology sharing and transfer agreement.
Digital Infrastructure Units ("DIU"), Digital Units Organisations ("DUO"), and Digital Assets Organisation n, ("DAOn") interact with DAO, decentralised autonomous organisation(s). Alliance iii.o is a highly modular Protocol framework and infrastructure architecture.
The following Components extend the Decentralised Autonomous Organisation structure of HGVS currency with new and useful functionality.
HGVS PROTOCOL FUNCTIONALITYThese efforts are aided by adopting the O|Zone™ Protocol, designed to facilitate local Private | Public | Partnerships in local Communities.
It is designed to collaborate with eductional and medical institutions, to facilitate new development and training within medical professionals, business offices of medical providers and within the legal profession as related to medical, wellness, privacy, etc.