Designed as Global Wellness Currency, HGVS digital currency units are envisioned to establish a global standard for Wellness | Vital related transactional activity enabling a global standard for transacting in health related activities.
HGVS digital currency units may be used for payment of healthcare services, deductibles, co-payments, platform costs and reference data.
Parties transacting with HGVS™ participants pay transactional, technology, service and support fees for communications and network activities, in a manner similar to Ethereum by purchasing HGVS with traditional fiat currency, then acquiring AGM to pay infrastructure costs.
In comparision to Ethereum - IAC = ETH, AGM = GAS
HGVS are designed for individual private digital wallets as well as institutional multi-party payment systems.
Various forms of fiat currency such as USD, EURO, YEN, GBP and other major curencies may be used to purchase HGVS.
Parties holding HGVS digital currency units are members of HGVS Currency DAO.
They are connected through DIGITALUNIVERSE decentralised communications and transaction networks.
The DAO is designed to have no central point and its nodal mesh architecture uses the latest in "edge" and "serverless node" technologies.
HGVS Currency, its HGVS Currency Reserve framework and operational Digital Units Organisations ("DUO") operate under HGVS Currency Protocol in DIGITIALUNIVERSE connecting to HGVS ISO digital infrastructure utilities ("DIU") and digital assets organisations ("DAOn") through BridgeBanc™ on HOMEWORLD.
HGVS Currency is issued by Board of Governors of
HGVS™ Currency Reserve
HGVS Currency is convertible into Anonymous Global Money ("AGM") for payment of HGVS Ecosystem network, communication, infrastructure costs
HGVS Currency may be also be issued by designated Digital Units Organisations
HGVS Currency may be redeemed for major fiat currencies, subject to applicable HGVS Currency Protocol
As designed, issuance of HGVS Currency is expected to result in primary fiat currencies coming into HGVS Currency Reserve, such as USD, EURO, YEN, etc., and thus into HGVS Ecosystem.
While this type of transaction is expected to initially be small amounts designed to pay platform technology, communications and service fees, transferred into AGM, we can envision potentially sizeable transactions as HGVS Ecosystem transactions are denominated in HGVS.
The sale of HGVS Currency particularly when such fiat currency assets remain within HGVS Ecosystem for a long time, can be useful in creating assets to support research, acquisition and/or development of infrastructure facilities, and expansion of reference data and derived data.
Unlike most fiat and digital currencies, HGVS are designed as a Reserved Currency. In essence, it is backed by HGVS Currency Reserves holding an array of fiat currencies and other forms of assets.
HGVS Currency Reserve represents the ORGANISATION structure under which HGVS digital currency units are issued and administered as well as reserve assets established to support global use of HGVS within the HGVS™ Ecosystem.
HGVS Currency Reserve
HGVS issuance and currency reserves are to be governed under HGVS Currency Reserve subject to HGVS Currency Protocol by its Board of Governors.
HGVS Market Operations is to be responsible for day to day adjustments in the automated digital currency management system.
HGVS Currency Protocol is being sponsored by HGVS ISO as a new technology, an innovation designed to expand funding available for Wellness | Vital research, infrastructure, risk mitigation and innovation, as well as a means for global participation in HGVS™ Ecosystem, as a Global Wellness Currency.
Initial formation of HGVS Currency is proposed as a part of development and technology agreements in exchange for HGVS Currency Anticipation Obligations ("CAO").
HGVS Currency Anticipation Obligations are being designed to provide a pathway for ultimate issue of HGVS, at a point when underlying systems and transition issues are complete and "private currency" status is confirmed.
Securities regulators have increased clarity of the transition path from digital assets being classed as a "security" to a non-security or currency. Issuance of HGVS Currency Anticipation Obligations to such HGVS becoming currency in the hands of CAO holders is under development with legal counsel and systems engineers.
HGVS Currency Reserve is to be established within "protected portfolios" which immutably embed these assets within HGVS ISO sponsored organisations.
HGVS is designed as a private ecosystem currency for use in: i) purchasing and providing medical and wellness products and services, ii) participating in applications of ai and advanced "intelligence" technologies as a part of DX-Digital Transformation for "wellness", health, diagnostic and procedures content, reference data and derived data (subject to applicable privacy constraints), iii) remuneration for HGVS participants providing various services, technologies, and products, iv) as a part of new medical services rewards programs focused on customer loyalty and benefits of improving wellness and vitality, v) in deductibles and co-payments related to third-party payor arrangements, vi) facilities and equipment related transactions, vii) exchange for intellectual property from subject matter medical experts, viii) "streaming digital currency" to HUMAN participants in research programs which include collaborative content|reference data collection through continuous and periodic means, ix) global healthcare services, and x) ETFs and other instruments which benefit from the healthcare sector, creating a global healthcare index and other uses.
While the foregoing focuses primarily on the "medium of exchange" and "unit of account" attributes of currency|money, HGVS may be viewed as a preferrable "store of value", over other global currencies as its design is a "Reserved Currency", meaning that it is backed by assets held in statutorily protected "Reserves" and is designed to support one of the most significant growth sectors of global domestic product.
Of significant note, HGVS are designed to trade "digital wallet" to "digital wallet" in a manner similar to "cash", subject to applicable regulatory requirements.
HGVS™ Protocol is designed to facilitate acquisition and factoring of patient accounts receivables, which have been subject to third-party payor claims denials.
Using advanced technologies and subject matter experts, hospital and other medical providers facilitate recoveries using advanced technologies and subject matter experts who benefit from HGVS digital assets including HGVS currency.
Advanced systems designed to digitally "twin" patients, creating opportunities to contrast multiple year claims data with payor rule sets using advanced rules analytics to submit unclaimed charges and to make more efficient collection of hospital cost data which may be periodically recovered from Medicare and other sources, including specialty grant programs for research in and services provided for widespread costly medical conditions.
HGVS™ Protocol coordinates with O|Zone™ Protocol in a new PPP approach to local government funding of medical facilities, medical equipment including Internet of Things ("IOT"), using Qualified Opportunity Zones, public E|S|G Bonds, and tokenisation of medical procedures creating a digitally transformed health care services market including FlexRewards™, with a focus on wellness and prevention.
HGVS™ participates in the DX - Digital Transformation movement through "twining" technologies designed to create digital models of each aspect of Hospital operations. This may include advanced equipment and IOT to lower operational costs, increase risk mitigation, improve environmental quality, update governance and enhance social well-being (E|S|G).
Participation in Digital Transformation involves use of private anonymous patient data on a daily basis, supplemented by medical data provided by Hospitals and other medical facilities. The patient is to be paid for this data with HGVS Digital Currency Units. Hospital can be paid for transfer of this information into HGVS™ authorised ai data centres and a license for use by patient.
A key HGVS technology is the living "patient container". It is designed to hold personal medical and other data for each specific person. It manages retention of a patient's data, synchronisation of medical data of to a patient's medical team and transformation of contextual data for anonymous use, using open source technologies.
A project developing a source of truth, discovery , enlightenment and preservation deep within the earth , shielded from ElectroMagnetic Pulse and Cyber Attack, a warren of digital research facilities and advanced equipment holding and discovering secrets of the human body, mining and persisting observations and practical experience of millions of medical professionals, their keen insights into years of medical practice and observations, a source of raw material for building the tools of diagnosis and practice for future generations.
Digital Wallets hold digital currency and other digital assets, including identity, ownership, as well as providing a source of input and bi-directional updating. Digital watches, fitness trackers and IOT monitors are technologies which enable a HUMAN to contribute directly to their personal private InfoVault™ and benefit from selling their data on an anonymous basis or as a part of participating in familial and generational research to benefit themselves as well as future and present familty members. "Digital Twins" for doctors may extend their research through "AI".
Funding HGVS Ecosystem with HGVS Digital Curency Units ("HGVS DCU") creates a new form of Digital Asset Class. For perhaps the first time, HUMAN can benefit directly from capture, archiving and transfer of their personal data, subject to strict personal privacy standards and quantum encryption. Sale of this valuable information gives rise to a steady stream of digital currency continually filling up one's "digital wallet" with HGVS DCUs "streaming money" and benefits of
"Health Care Rewards."
The following observations are based in part on the initial objectives of HGVS Protocol and, in particular, a confluence of events related to COVID Pandemic, which led to development of the nine initial focuses described under PROTOCOL.
HGVS Currency Reserve is designed to benefit from 50% of net recoveries on HGVS Medicare Denied Claims Recoveries, thereby increasing issuance of HGVS digital currency units as well as increasing USD fiat currency reserves within HGVS Currency Reserves. The fiat currency received into HGVS Currency Reserve is then available for investment in eligible assets designed to support medical facilities digital transformation, research and ai related activities, as well as expanding the base of medical professional subject matter experts affiliated to Medical Professionals DAO.
Note: The initial program is designed to solely address Hospital invoices from patient in-hospital services charges submitted to Medicare for payment, which were denied. The structure involves tokenising applicable invoice data sets, including related intangible property, which are sold under a non-contingent international factor protocol, subject to agreed qualifications.
Note: In recent years Medicare has denied claims under this category at a rate approximating USD$18+ billion. HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
HGVS Currency Reserve is designed to benefit from a portion of Unbilled Claims and Cost Recovery receipts of hospitals captured through Digital Transformation technologies aided by HGVS Medical Professional DAO subject matter experts.
Note: Using HGVS sponsored technologies, a participating Hospital engages HGVS Medical Professional subject matter exports to undertake bespoke programs designed to "review" previous years' Medicare paid claims for additional claims filings and to assist in developing bespoke cost recovery and special grants information.
A portion of Unbilled Claims and Cost Recovery receipts are expected to pay for subject matter expert and technology use costs. A portion of these payments may be made in HGVS, purchased with fiat currency, thus expanding issued HGVS and increasing HGVS Currency Reserves.
Note: HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
HGVS Protocol inclusion of O|Zone™ Port Authority Opportunity Zone Protocol for healthcare is designed to ultimately facilitate access to 330+ Port Authority Opportunity Zones ("PAOZ") within the United States. Each PAOZ is designed to create an intergovernmental collaboration of a Government Authority in each of approximately 10 counties | parishes within a PAOZ. Each regional "zone" is designed to promote an expanding range of "Initiatives" to increase economic development and facilitate local Community objectives in environmental, social and governance objectives with a focus on personal privacy and increased local Quality of Life.
An objective of this arrangement is bringing together local Community participants who may be able to use "Government as a Service", O|Zone™ Digital Medallions, Community E|S|G Bonds, and HGVS Currency Reserves to deploy fiat currency assets into investments in local healthcare initiatives, increasing use of HGVS as a global healthcare currency.
Note: The initial program is designed to participate with local government authorities in private | public | partnerships enabling a form of digital assets, each a "Digital Medallion" to be issued as government obligations which facilitate a sharing arrangement between private and public sector participants in reciepts from third party payors, and other activities as the program expands. The Program is designed to incentivise medical professional subject matter experts and other participants, including volunteers to become active participants in improving local wellness, vitality and healthcare.
Note: HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
Digital Transformation includes use of "Digital Twin" and "Digital Thread" technologies pioneered by NASA and US Airforce, as well as advanced "open source" Internet of Things ("IOT") equipment and other technologies within medical facilities, at-home, in offices, stores, hotels and factories, and on or adjacent to our persons, to improve vitality, wellness and healthcare in every aspect of life.
Note: HGVS ISO is sponsoring an IAC Cube™ (assurance, insurance and financial guaranty insurers on the DeRisk Platform) to initiatilly issue a USD$1 billion FlexGIA™ to be acquired by institutional debt holders.
These insurers are expected to fund a debt warehouse to acquire patient receivables subject to denied Medicare claims reprocessing. A portion of these recoveries are to increase the amount of fiat currency within HGVS Currency Reserves, as described above.
it is anticipated that a portion of these recovered funds are to be used to facilitate lending to O|Zone™ Infrastructure Business participants engaged in providing IOT and other forms of equipment, facilities, content and technologies which aid in Digital Transformation and for which such participants benefit from tax-free capital gains, 100% depreciation and other incentives made possible through Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and other government incentives.
In addition, the unique structure of HGVS IAC Cube™ is designed to facilitate improvements in risk remediation, enhance reference and derived data and cantent to better understand risk exposures, leading to a reduction in risk transfer, mitigation, transformation and diversification costs and facilitating an optimised risk mitigation matrix amoung market participants.
These activities may give rise to an increase in purchase and use of HGVS thereby increasing HGVS Currency Reserves, enabling expanded fiat currency assets to be used in the activities described above.
Note: HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
Medical information is generally subject to various personal privacy regulations designed to protect a HUMAN from inappropriate use of such confidential information. Despite strict protocols, it can be argued that COVID and actions of government have compromised these protections.
It might also be observed that these regulations have historically limited the use to which personal medical information might be applied in improving Quality of Life and advances in healthcare.
Within the past three years, the rate of increase and reduction in costs related to computer processing, memory, storage, and network have subsantially increased ai Intelligence capabilities, enabling much broader and more detailed use of these "content and data" resources.
HGVS Protocol has been designed to enable use of Personal Medical Data in a manner designed to protect personal privacy, enable Medical Professionals to comply with historic medical privacy regulations, while benefiting from their "intellectual property" associated with a patient.
In addition, HGVS Protocol has been designed to enable a HUMAN to benefit from receipt of HGVS as a part of their participation in research, wellness information sharing, passive and active vitality programs and customer loyalty programs with their selected medical, fitness and wellness providers.
Note: A variety of HGVS use cases exist within the above described activities, each designed to increase fiat currency transferred into HGVS Ecosystem, enhancing internal velocity of HGVS use, while reducing redemption of HGVS digital currency units. The net effect objectives are to expand internal growth of fiat currencies within HGVS Ecosystem, enabling these assets to be transformed into medical and wellness facilities, expand research education, and healthcare resources, and improve vitality, wellness and healthcare quality, locally, nationally, and globally.
Note: HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
HGVS Protocol is consistent with Alliance iii.o Protocol and incorporates Pegasus Protocol's "InfoVault" container technology, applied to HUMAN, ORGANISATION and INTELLIGENCE.
As adapted, each HUMAN implements a personal Health schema within "InfoVault" to acquire, store, process and publish personal health content, reference data, derived data and other information, based on criteria established by applicable HUMAN.
The infrastructure is designed to track "intellectual property" ownership of acquired and published "intangible property" as well as facilitate applicable payments for use.
In essence a HUMAN may publish information in exchange for HGVS digital currency units, including under the "Streaming Money" Protocol.
Note: Hospitals and other Medical Professionals may be able to publish and license their patient related medical content in a manner designed to benefit from Qualified Opportunity Zone tax incentives. In addition, the Protocol is designed to resolve compliance with current health information privacy regulations.
A portion of benefits received from these activities may be converted to HGVS digital currency units and other forms of HGVS digital assets.
Note: HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
HGVS Protocol is designed to integrate with advanced artificial intelligence technologies, creating terrestrial and digital infrastructure for application of myriad research, analytics and derived protocols to derived data and content.
Risk | Compliance | Performance Protocol and other ai Intelligence innovations under Alliance iii.o are included in the underlying techology resources, enabling use by HGVS Protocol participants.
Note: HGVS Protocol objectives related to derived data | content production and publication are expected to produce information of particular benefit within the medical and wellness fields. In addition, life and health insurers, pension and benefits funds, and corporate healthcare trust funds and their actuarial and consulting professionals are expected to represent primary users of healthcare and wellness reference and derived data | content under HGVS Protocol.
It is anticipated that purchases of the above described information and services will be primarily in fiat currencies, including a broad range of global currencies. While no assurance can be given, this activity may substantially increase HGVS Currency Reserves fiat currency assets, enabling investments in a broader range of healthcare and wellness tangible and intangible assets with an objective of improving Quality of Life.
Note: HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
HGVS Protocol envisions a broad based approach to personal connectivity as set forth in Alliance iii.o Protocol.
As described in various Protocols subscribing to Alliance iii.o Protocol, each HUMAN, ORGANISATION and INTELLIGENCE benefits from unique Quantum Private IDs and in some cases Public IDs, including unique addresses.
Thesse underlying technologies enable a HUMAN, for example, to use digital resources to capture significant amount of reference and derived data and content, retained within their personal PRIVATE InfoVault, and perhaps extended into their personal "Edge" intrastructure.
For example, a digital watch may be collecting a HUMAN ECG, heart beat, pulse, blood pressure, glucose level, etc. .... This reference data may be streamed continuously or coverted to derived data packets and "fired" into artificial intelligence nodes, on an anonymous or contextual basis.
The HUMAN may be receiving HGVS streaming into their Digital Wallet on a periodic or on a continuous basis using AGM micropayments, convertible to HGVS digital currency units.
A variety of applications may exist within a HUMAN "edge" device, including a digital watch, which provides feedback, can make an emergency call, may provide Rewards, etc.
This form of interactive feedback is designed to identify and enable bi-directional communication between HUMAN and third-party participants, without loss of HUMAN privacy, and payment for reciprocal activities and services on an anonymous and private basis.
Note: These Digital Devices may be provided through O|Zone™ Infrastructure Business provider program, enabling qualifying business participants to provide HUMAN participants private personal, residual and geospatial monitoring | communication devices at no charge, while benefiting from various tax incentives and participating in growth of HGVS.
A portion of benefits received from these activities may be converted to HGVS digital currency units and other forms of HGVS digital assets.
Note: HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
HGVS Protocol is sponsoring HGVS Currency Reserve as a Reserved Currency, i.e., a Private Ecosystem Currency supported by "Reserves" comprised of: global "fiat" currencies, medical receivables, wellness | data | analytics, risk policy residuals, IOT equipment | loans, wellness and medical facilities, wellness research | ip, digital assets, and other healthcare and wellness related tangible and intangible assets.
Some HGVS Protocol activities are designed to increase HGVS Currency Reserves in combination with issuance of HGVS. Other activities are designed to increase HGVS Currency Reserves without issuance of HGVS digital currency units. The latter activity is designed to increase HGVS Currency Reserves without increasing outstanding HGVS.
HGVS Currency Reserve may deploy reserved currency assets for the purpose of increased investment income designed to expand currency reserves. In addition, HGVS Market Operations may take market positions in buying HGVS and/or selling previously issued HGVS held in HGVS Currency Reserves. Further, certain contracts designed to benefit HGVS Currency Reserves over short "opportunistic" or long "strategic" periods may be implemented from time to time.
As a Private Ecosystem Currency, HGVS are designed to provide a means of trading, exchange and settlement, as well as a "store of value".
The nexus of HGVS Currency Units to global healthcare inputs may create a form of international healthcare metrics, impacted by local, regional and international inflation and interest rates. Historically, in many countries, healthcare costs have risen at a faster pace then other sectors.
In that HGVS is designed as a global healthcare currency, its relationship to a specific country's healthcare costs may morph over time, in that its initial weighting is expected to be predominantly United States centric, one of the largest by volumne and increasing by inflation.
IAC Currency Reserve may establish conditions for redemption of HGVS digital currency units as well as a minimum level of liquid convertible fiat and/or digital currency assets.
Note: HGVS Currency Reserve may expand or contract quantum of HGVS digital currency units in circulation to achieve objectives established by Board of Governors of HGVS Currency Reserve, pursuant to HGVS Governance Protocol, as updated from time to time by HGVS Currency DAO.
Note: HGVS subject matter experts have unique knowledge in this area of expertise.
are designed to benefit from the use of Digital Assets as a means of mapping various forms of assets into HGVS Currency Reserve and other uses.