Use of HGVS 
digital currency units ("dcu")

HGVS digital currency units may be used for payment of healthcare services, deductibles, co-payments, platform costs and reference data.

Parties transacting with HGVS™ participants pay transactional, technology, service and support fees for communications and network activities, in a manner similar to Ethereum by purchasing HGVS with traditional fiat currency, then acquiring AGM to pay infrastructure costs. 

In comparision to Ethereum - IAC = ETH, AGM = GAS

Peer to Peer
Node to Node

HGVS are designed for individual private digital wallets as well as institutional multi-party payment systems.

Various forms of fiat currency such as USD, EURO, YEN, GBP and other major curencies may be used to purchase HGVS.

HGVS Currency DAO


Parties holding HGVS digital currency units are members of HGVS Currency DAO.

They are connected through DIGITALUNIVERSE decentralised communications and transaction networks.

The DAO is designed to have no central point and its nodal mesh architecture uses the latest in "edge" and "serverless node" technologies.

HGVS Currency, its HGVS Currency Reserve framework and operational Digital Units Organisations ("DUO") operate under HGVS Currency Protocol in DIGITIALUNIVERSE connecting to HGVS ISO digital infrastructure utilities ("DIU") and digital assets organisations ("DAOn") through BridgeBanc™ on HOMEWORLD.

HGVS Currency

HGVS Currency is issued by Board of Governors of 
HGVS™ Currency Reserve
HGVS Currency is convertible into Anonymous Global Money ("AGM") for payment of HGVS Ecosystem network, communication, infrastructure costs
HGVS Currency may be also be issued by  designated Digital Units Organisations
HGVS Currency may be redeemed for major fiat currencies, subject to applicable HGVS Currency Protocol



HGVS Currency Reserve represents the ORGANISATION structure under which HGVS digital currency units are issued and administered as well as reserve assets established to support global use of HGVS within the HGVS™ Ecosystem. 

HGVS Currency Protocol

HGVS Currency Reserve 
HGVS issuance and currency reserves are to be governed under HGVS Currency Reserve subject to HGVS Currency Protocol by its Board of Governors.

HGVS Market Operations is to be responsible for day to day adjustments in the automated digital currency management system.

HGVS Currency Protocol is being sponsored by HGVS ISO as a new technology, an innovation designed to expand funding available for Wellness | Vital research, infrastructure, risk mitigation and innovation, as well as a means for global participation in HGVS™ Ecosystem, as a Global Wellness Currency. 

Genesis Block

In protocol speak ...

Initial formation of HGVS Currency is proposed as a part of development and technology agreements in exchange for HGVS Currency Anticipation Obligations ("CAO").

HGVS Currency Anticipation Obligations are being designed to provide a pathway for ultimate issue of HGVS, at a point when underlying systems and transition issues are complete and "private currency" status is confirmed.

Securities regulators have increased clarity of the transition path from digital assets being classed as a "security" to a non-security or currency. Issuance of HGVS Currency Anticipation Obligations to such HGVS becoming currency in the hands of CAO holders is under development with legal counsel and systems engineers.

HGVS Protocol Objectives

Medical Accounts Factoring

HGVS™ Protocol is designed to facilitate acquisition and factoring of patient accounts receivables, which have been subject to third-party payor claims denials.
 Using advanced technologies and subject matter experts, hospital and other medical providers facilitate recoveries using advanced technologies and subject matter experts who benefit from HGVS digital assets including HGVS currency.

Medicare Cost Recoveries

Advanced systems designed to digitally   "twin" patients, creating opportunities to contrast multiple year claims data with payor rule sets using advanced rules analytics to submit unclaimed charges and to make more efficient collection of hospital cost data which may be periodically recovered from Medicare and other sources, including specialty grant programs for research in and services provided for widespread costly medical conditions.


HGVS™ Protocol coordinates with O|Zone™ Protocol in a new PPP approach to local government funding of medical facilities, medical equipment including Internet of Things ("IOT"), using Qualified Opportunity Zones, public E|S|G Bonds, and tokenisation of medical procedures creating a digitally transformed health care services market including FlexRewards™, with a focus on wellness and prevention.

DX Digital Transformation

HGVS™ participates in the DX - Digital Transformation movement through "twining" technologies designed to create digital models of each aspect of Hospital operations. This may include advanced equipment and IOT to lower operational costs, increase risk mitigation, improve environmental quality, update governance and enhance social well-being (E|S|G).

Anonymous Patient Data

Participation in Digital Transformation involves use of private anonymous patient data on a daily basis, supplemented by medical data provided by Hospitals and other medical facilities. The patient is to be paid for this data with HGVS Digital Currency Units. Hospital can be paid for transfer of this information into HGVS™ authorised ai data centres and a license for use by patient.

Patient Containers

A key HGVS technology is the living "patient container". It is designed to hold personal medical and other data for each specific person. It manages retention of a patient's data, synchronisation of medical data of to a patient's medical team and transformation of contextual data for anonymous use, using open source technologies.


A project developing a source of truth, discovery , enlightenment and preservation deep within the earth , shielded from ElectroMagnetic Pulse and Cyber Attack, a warren of digital research facilities and advanced equipment holding and discovering secrets of the human body, mining and persisting observations and practical experience of millions of medical professionals, their keen insights into years of medical practice and observations, a source of raw material for building the tools of diagnosis and practice for future generations. 

Wallets and Watches

Digital Wallets hold digital currency and other digital assets, including identity, ownership, as well as providing a source of input and  bi-directional updating.  Digital watches, fitness trackers and IOT monitors are technologies which enable a HUMAN to contribute directly  to their personal private InfoVault™ and benefit from selling their data on an anonymous basis or as a part of participating in familial and generational research to benefit themselves as well as future and present familty members. "Digital Twins" for doctors may extend their research through "AI".

HGVS Digital Currency

Funding HGVS Ecosystem with HGVS Digital Curency Units ("HGVS DCU") creates a new form of Digital Asset Class. For perhaps the first time, HUMAN can benefit directly from capture, archiving and transfer of their personal data, subject to strict personal privacy standards and quantum encryption. Sale of this valuable information gives rise to a steady stream of digital currency continually filling up one's "digital wallet" with HGVS DCUs "streaming money" and benefits of 
"Health Care Rewards."